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helpCourse Support Materials
orangeball Project Support: This document describes support available to instructors for assigning projects to students.
orangeball Solutions manual and project manual: Available at Prentice Hall Website for this book. Go here for Prentice Hall instructor support Websites for my other books.Go here for Prentice Hall instructor support Websites for the International Edition of this book and my other books.
orangeball Suggested Course Syllabi: This document provides suggestions for a course syllabus using this text, based on real-world experience of professors using the book.
orangeball PowerPoint Slides: The "official" set of slides commissioned for use specifically with this book, developed by Kim Mclaughlin. This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
orangeball Figures: On-line transparency masters of the figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
orangeball Tables: On-line transparency masters of the tables from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
orangeball BACI: BACI simulates concurrent process execution and supports binary and counting semaphores and monitors. BACI is accompanied by a number of project assignments
orangeball Distributed BACI: Distributed BACI extends the BACI interface to allow for distributed algorithm development.
orangeball NACHOS: Nachos is an instructional operating system together with a series of assignments that can be used to provide hands-on experience with modern OS concepts. NACHOS overview, course notes, system code, and set of assignments are at this site. Made available for free by UC Berkeley. Professor Scott Stoller of SUNY Stony Brook has created Nachos-dfs to provide enhanced features for distributed file system projects.
orangeball Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
orangeball Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-OS7e-mmyy. If you spot any errors, please contact me at Email.
orangeball A Discussion of Textbook Cost Myths: From the Text and Academic Authors Association.new3

mailbox Mailing List
A moderated mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. To subscribe, send a blank email to You will receive a confirmation message. Just reply to this message and your subscription will be complete. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to To post a message, send to You should receive a reply to your subscription request in a few hours, asking for confirmation. If not, try again. The confirmation email asks you to confirm either by replying to the email or by going to a web link. The web link is more reliable. If you reply by email and do not receive a subsequent email confirming your subscription, try again.
library OS Courses
Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.
orangeball CIS 361-101 Operating Systems U. of Delaware.new3
orangeball Operating Systems CS3008 U. of Aberdeen. Includes programming exercises.
orangeball Operating Systems 192110452 U. of Twente Includes lab exercises and PPT slides.
orangeball CS714 Advanced Operating Systems Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport.
orangeball CS322 - Operating Systems Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport.
orangeball CS311 - Operating Systems Concepts Binghamton U. Includes lab exercises.
orangeball CS 345 Operating Systems Brigham Young U. Interesting programming assignments.
orangeball CSC-440 - Operating Systems U. of Northern Colorado.
orangeball 8894 Real-Time Operating Systems Memorial University of Newfoundland.
orangeball CSC 284 Operating Systems Missouri U. of Science and Technology. Lot of useful material.
orangeball CS241 System Programming U. of Illinois. Slides.
orangeball Operating Systems U. of Helsinki. Tasks and projects.
orangeball CS 323 Operating Systems U. of Wisconsin. Notes, program problems.
orangeball CS 330 Operating Systems SUNY Institute of Technology. Project ideas.
orangeball CSIT 431 Intro Operating Systems SUNY Fredonia, Some useful tutorials.
orangeball CSCE 444 Operating Systems Pacific Lutheran U, Programming assignments.
orangeball CS418 Operating Systems Montana State U., Assignments, lecture notes.
orangeball 343 Operating Systems Kutztown U., Kutztown, PA. Interesting set of powerpoint projects, plus some good lecture notes on locality.
orangeball CS40 Operating Systems Santa Monica College. Some useful project and course note material.
orangeball C4760 Operating Systems U. of Missouri, St. Louis. Contains lecture notes, good set of links.
orangeball SYSC 4001 Operating Systems Carleton U. in Ottowa. Contains lecture slides.
orangeball CS623 Operating Systems Brooklyn Polytechnic U. Contains good set of handouts.