Course Support Materials
Solutions manual and project manual: Available at Prentice Hall Website for this book. Go here for Prentice Hall instructor support Websites for my other books.
Project Support: This document describes support available to instructors for assigning projects to students.
PowerPoint Slides: The "official" set of slides commissioned for use specifically with this book. Developed by Kim Mclaughlin. This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-DCC9e-mmyy. If you spot any errors, please contact me at .
Figures: On-line transparency masters of the figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
Tables: On-line transparency masters of all the tables from the book in PDF format.This is a partial set. The full set is at the Prentice Hall Instructor Resource Center for this book.
cnet Simulator: Developed by Professor Chris McDonald at the University of Western Australia. The cnet network simulator enables experimentation with various data link layer, network layer, routing and transport layer protocols, and with various network configurations.
Tools Page: Developed by Professor Kenneth Christensen at the University of South Florida. The tools page contains downloadable tools primarily related to performance evaluation of computer networks and to TCP/IP sockets programming.
Data Link Simulator: Developed by Peter King at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. This tool enables students to write connection oriented data link protocols in Java and have them tested on a simulated communication channel.
A Discussion of Textbook Cost Myths: From the Text and Academic Authors Association.
Mailing List
A moderated mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. To subscribe, send a blank email to You will receive a confirmation message. Just reply to this message and your subscription will be complete. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to . To post a message, send to You should receive a reply to your subscription request in a few hours, asking for confirmation. If not, try again. The confirmation email asks you to confirm either by replying to the email or by going to a web link. The web link is more reliable. If you reply by email and do not receive a subsequent email confirming your subscription, try again.
DCC Courses
Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.
CSCI 465 Data Communication Systems and Networks St. Francis Xavier U. PPPT Lecture notes.
EE 5376 Southern Methodist U. Lecture notes.
High Speed Networks Al-Imam Mohamed bin Saud University. Includes video lecture (language is mixture of Arabic and English) and other resources.
CS 3590 Data Communications and Networking California State University, East Bay. Video lectures.
CS 420/520 Data Communications. Southern Polytechnic State University.
EEL 4595 Data and Computer Communications. U. of Florida. Includes PPT slides.
CSE 3020 Network Technology. Monash U. Includes PDF slides.
CS 373 Computer Networks and Communications. U. of Missouri. Includes lecture notes.