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Appendix B through Appendix K, in PDF format, are available for download here.
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www_iconUseful Web Sites
orangeball Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
orangeball Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-BDC6e-mmyy. If you spot any errors, please contact me at Email.
orangeball Animations: Links to animations listed in book.

Chapter 0 - Reader’s Guide

orangeball Telecommunications: Articles and new product information from past issues, plus an extensive international listing of industry trade shows. Product listings include a brief description plus the ability to request product information from the vendor. A useful search capability can be used to search articles and product listing by keyword.
orangeball Network World: Information and links to resources about data communications and networking.
orangeball Network Computing: Articles from magazine available plus pointers to advertisers. Site also includes a hypertext network design manual with useful practical tips for end-user network design.
orangeball Performance Edge Journal: Articles from magazine.
orangeball IT Professional: Includes career resources and links related to information technology.
orangeball ACM Networker: Includes on-line copies of magazine articles.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

orangeball Standards: Variety of information on standards and standards bodies, provided by the IEEE Standards in Education Task Force.
orangeball No Jitter: Oriented toward the business user, this site integrates data and voice communications topics well. The site focuses on unified communications, convergence, and IP communications.
orangeball ZDNet: A rich collection of material on business and information technology, including white papers, computer magazine articles, news, blogs, and cases studies.
orangeball Internetworking Technology Handbook: An excellent survey of many technical topics related to networking and telecommunications. Published online by Cisco.
orangeball NIST Information Technology Laboratory: The ITL provides reports and other useful information and links in the areas of networking, computer security, software and more. Includes the Cloud Computing Program.new3
orangeball NITRD: The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program provides a framework in which many Federal agencies come together to coordinate their networking and information technology (IT) research and development (R&D) efforts. This site contains a number of useful reports.new3
orangeball ComputerWorld IT Topic Center: Wide range of material, including news, white papers, career center, in-depth reports, etc.new3
orangeball Datamation: Includes news and reports on subjects such as IT management, cloud computing, networking, and data center.new3
orangeball Telecomms History: Provides a useful historical perspective.

Chapter 4 - The Internet

orangeball The Living Internet: Provides comprehensive and in-depth information about the history of the Internet, plus links to numerous other relevant sites.
orangeball CAIDA: The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis, provides tools and analyses promoting the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure.

Chapter 5 - TCP/IP

orangeball IPv6 Page: Contains information about IPv6 and related topics.
orangeball Global IPv6 Deployment Progress Report: This site provides metrics for global IPv6 deployment. These statistics are updated daily.new3
orangeball OSI History: A brief history of the origins of the OSI model.

Chapter 6 - Client/Server and Intranet Computing

orangeball SQL Standards: A central source of information about the SQL standards process and its current documents.
orangeball NIST CLoud Computing Program:Useful information, links, and documents.new3

Chapter 7 - Internet-Based Applications

orangeball World Wide Web Consortium: Contains up-to-date information on HTTP, HTML, and URLs.
orangeball HTTP bis Working Group: Chartered by IETF to make minor revisions to HTTP and to document security issues. The Web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
orangeball SIP Forum: Nonprofit organization to promote SIP. Site contains product information, white papers, and other useful information and links.

Chapter 8 - Internet Operation

orangeballIP Performance Metrics Working Group: Chartered by IETF to develop a set of standard metrics that can be applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet data delivery services.The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
orangeballInter-Domain Routing Working Group: Chartered by IETF to revise BGP and related standards. The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
orangeballOSPF Working Group: Chartered by IETF to develop OSPF and related standards. The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.

Chapter 9 - LAN Architecture and Protocols

orangeball IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee: Status and documents for all of the working groups

Chapter 10 - Ethernet and Fibre Channel

orangeball LAN Interoperability Lab: University of New Hampshire (equipment testing for ATM, FDDI, Fast Ethernet, FDSE, Ethernet, OSPF, Network Management (SNMP), Token Ring, VG-AnyLAN).
orangeball Ethernet: Provides general Ethernet information, technical specifications, an Ethernet reading list, and an image of inventor Robert Metcalf's original 1976 Ethernet drawing.
orangeball Ethernet Alliance: This consortium promotes Ethernet technology and products Site includes numerous white papers.
orangeball Fibre Channel Industry Association: An industry consortium.
orangeball Storage Network Industry Association: An industry forum of developers, integrators, and IT professionals who evolve and promote storage networking technology and solutions

Chapter 11 - Wireless LANs

orangeball Certified Wireless Network Professional: White papers, links, and other resources related to WiFi.
orangeball IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group: Contains working group documents plus discussion archives
orangeball Wi-Fi Alliance: An industry group promoting the interoperabiltiy of 802.11 products with each other and with Ethernet.
orangeball Bluetooth SIG: Contains all the standards, numerous other documents, and news and information on Bluetooth companies and products.
orangeball Infotooth: An excellent supplementary source of information on Bluetooth.
orangeball Li-Fi Consortium: Li-Fi is a fast, inexpensive optical wireless communication system that may be useful as an alternative to Wi-Fi in some environments and for some requirements.new3

Chapter 12 - Circuit Switching and Packet Switching

orangeball IP Multimedia Subsystems Forum: News, technical information, and vendor information on Voice over IP and softswitch technology and products.

Chapter 13 - Frame Relay and ATM

orangeball Frame Relay Resource Center: Good source of information on frame relay.
orangeball Cisco’s Guide to ATM Technology: An excellent survey of many technical topics related to ATM.

Chapter 14 - Wireless WANs

orangeball CDMA Development Group: A consortium wireless companies active in CDMA wireless systems around the world.
orangeball Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association: Another industry consortium.
orangeball 4G Americas: A trade group of Western Hemisphere companies supporting 3G and 4G. Includes industry news, white papers, and other technical information.
orangeball Open Mobile Alliance: Concerned with a range of standards for mobile communications. Includes WAP technical specifications and industry links.
orangeball Lloyd Wood's Satellite Web Page: Good source of information about commercial satellite technology.
orangeball Satellite Industry Association: Good source of information about commercial satellite technology

Chapter 15 - Data Transmission

orangeball Siemon Company: Good collection of technical articles on cabling, plus information about cabling standards.
orangeball Guide to Fiber Optics and Premises Cabling: From the Fiber Optics Association. A tremendous amount of technical material.new3
orangeball Wireless Developer Network: News, tutorials, and discussions on wireless topics

Chapter 16 - Data Communication Fundamentals

orangeball Broadband Forum: Includes a FAQ and technical information about ADSL and other xDSL technologies. Forum specifications.
orangeball Cable Digital News: Good collection of information on cable modems.

Chapter 17 - Data Link Control and Multiplexing

orangeball SONET: SONET Interoperability Forum site. Discusses current projects and technology.

Chapter 18 - Computer and Network Security Threats

orangeball Computer Security Resource Center: Maintained by NIST; contains a broad range of information on security threats, technology, and standards.
orangeball CERT Coordination Center: The organization that grew from the computer emergency response team formed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Site provides good information on Internet security threats, vulnerabilities, and attack statistics.
orangeball Vmyths: Dedicated to exposing virus hoaxes and dispelling misconceptions about real viruses.

Chapter 19 - Computer and Network Security Techniques

orangeball SecureList: Site maintained by commercial antivirus software provider. Good collection of useful information on viruses, hackers, and spam.
orangeball COAST: Comprehensive set of links to sites related to cryptography and network security.
orangeball IETF Security Area: Keep up to date on Internet security standardization efforts.
orangeball Tom Dunigan's Security Page: An excellent list of pointers to cryptography and network security web sites.

Chapter 20 - Network Management

orangeball Simple Web Site: Maintained by the University of Twente. It is a good source of information on SNMP, including pointers to many public-domain implementations and lists of books and articles.