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It is becoming really important in today's world but the question arises how information technology (IT) impact processes of globalization does? How can we shape globalization with IT to achieve positive socio-economic outcomes? How does globalization impact global software industry and IT sourcing strategies? These are the some of the central questions the course attempts to address. There has been an explosion in the use of Information Technology in the past decade. IT, which consists of computers, software and associated equipment, has become commonplace in offices and homes. For example the Office for National Statistics say that access to the Internet at home rose from 9% of households in 1998 to 52% by 2004. It will be much higher now if the same trend has continued. The current Government has recognized the importance of IT, and has spent time and money since 1997 on schemes to increase access to IT, and to increase the IT skills of citizens. IT skills are now important enough to be considered as a third basic skill alongside numeracy and literacy. It certification is best option for majority of people who want to improve their computer skills, and of those who planned to do more learning, the biggest group wanted to learn IT skills at some level. Although there is no single best certification, some certifications are more suitable for some accountants than others. It varies widely with the individual's qualifications, career goals, and interest. In selecting a certification, it is best to choose the certification/s you would make the most of. In other words, choose those that would benefit you the most. It will all boil down to what you want to do in your career. You should also consider your qualifications, especially the type and number of years of work experience as it could be required before being granted a certificate.Testking is best certification provider specifically famous for security certifications and networking too ISSAP - Information Systems Security Architecture Professional - a CISSP certification with a concentration in information systems security architecture.Testking also provides The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and ACSP Apple Certified Support Professional .Testking also provides Certified Sonic WALL Security Administrator (CSSA) certification.Testking one famous vendor Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS).Testking Exams are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject matter experts and published authors for development