Technical Resources and Course Web Site for
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

by William Stallings

Winner of the 1999 Award for the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook, awarded by the Text and Academic Authors Association, Inc.

Last Updated:Friday, February 9, 2007

This site is intended to provide support for instructors and students using the book. For more information about the book, see the Prentice Hall Page. Also, see Robert Slade's book review and IEEE Cipher review.

Useful Web Sites

A chapter-by-chapter list of related web sites. This includes all active sites listed in the book, plus other useful sites. Suggestions welcome.


Course Support Materials

Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-Security2e-mmyy. If you spot any errors, please report them to .
Viewgraphs: On-line transparency masters of some of the figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
Tables: On-line transparency masters of all the tables from the book in PDF format.
Course Notes: A detailed set of notes in HTML format suitable for student handout or for use as viewgraphs. These notes were developed for use with this book by Dr. Lawrie Brown at the Australian Defence Force Academy, University College, UNSW.
PowerPoint Slides: A set of slides that focus mostly on Parts Three and Four by Henric Johnson at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Cryptography Slides: A set of PDF slides suitable for lecture or handout that covers cryptography topics in some detail.
Laboratory Exercises on Encryption: Two lab exercises on public-key encryption and key sharing, prepared by Prof. James Benham of Montclair State U.

NOTICE: No password is required for any downloads. Downloading sometimes fails, either because your browser mistakenly assumes a password is needed or for other reasons. If so, try using another browser or an FTP package. If that doesn't work, there might be a problem at your end or at your ISP, perhaps a firewall issue. Then you would need to talk to a system manager on your end.

Security Courses

Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful.
Computer Security and Cryptography. At the Australian Defence Force Academy, University College, UNSW. Includes ppt slides and lab exercises.
ECE 478/578 Computer and Network Security. Oregon State U.. Useful project ideas; good links.
Cryptography Independent Study.U. of Puget Sound. Good set of links.
CS494 Computer and Network Security. U. of Tennessee. Good set of links and other resources.
Cryptography and Data Security. Uppsala U, Sweden. Includes lecture notes and a number of useful links.
CSE 508 Computer Security. SUNY, Stony Brook. Includes lecture notes.
EECS 598 Cryptography and Network Security. U of Michigan. On-line presentation slides.
ECE 5477/8476 Computer Communications Security. Villanova.
ECE 543 Cryptology and Computer Network Security. At George Mason U. Includes list of projects and laboratory exercises.
CS 538 Cryptography. At Boston University.
CMSC-443 Cryptography and Data Security. At U of Maryland.

Suggestions, Please

If you have any suggestions for site content, please contact me at . In particular, please pass along links to relevant web sites and links to course pages used by instructors teaching from this book.

Home Page of Bill Stallings

Useful Web Sites

Chapter 1 - Overview

COAST: Comprehensive set of links to sites related to cryptography and network security.
IETF Security Area: Keep up to date on Internet security standardization efforts
The Cryptography FAQ: Lengthy and worthwhile FAQ covering all aspects of cryptography.
Tom Dunigan's Security Page: An excellent list of pointers to cryptography and network security web sites.
IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy: Home of the electronic newsletter Cipher, which provides book reviews, new crypto and security links, and links to reports and papers available online.
Computer Security Resource Center: Maintained by NIST; contains a broad range of information on security threats, technology, and standards.
Computer and Network Security Reference Index: A good index to vendor and commercial products, FAQs, newsgroup archives, papers, and other Web sites.
SNMPv3 Security: My paper, "SNMPv3: A Security Enhancement to SNMP" published in the 4th Quarter 1998 issue of the online journal IEEE Communications Surveys.
AES Home Page: NIST's page on the new Advanced Encryption Standard.

Chapter 11 - Authentication Applications

MIT Kerberos Site: Information about Kerberos, including the FAQ, papers and documents, and pointers to commercial product sites.
USC/ISI Kerberos Page: Another good source of Kerberos material.
Public-Key Infrastructure Working Group: IETF group developing standards based on X.509v3.
Verisign: A leading commercial vendor of X.509-related products; white papers and other worthwhile material at this site.

Chapter 12 - Electronic Mail Security

PGP Home Page: Web site of Network Associates' PGP products.
MIT Distribution Site for PGP: Leading distributer of freeware PGP. Contains FAQ, other information, and links to other PGP sites.
S/MIME Charter: Latest RFCs and internet drafts for S/MIME.
S/MIME Central: RSA Inc.'s Web site for S/MIME. Includes FAQ and other useful information.

Chapter 13 - IP Security

IPSEC Charter: Latest RFCs and internet drafts for IPsec.
IPSEC Working Group News: Working group documents, mail archives, related technical papers, and other useful material.
IPSEC Resources: List of companies implementing IPSec, implementation survey, and other useful material.

Chapter 14 - Web Security

Netscape's SSL Page: Contains the SSL specification.
TLS Charter: Latest RFCs and internet drafts for TLS.
MasterCard SET Site: Latest SET documents, glossary of terms, and application information.
SETCo LLC: Organization that promotes SET.

Chapter 15 - Intruders and Viruses

CERT Coordination Center: The organization that grew from the computer emergency response team formed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Site provides good information on Internet security threats, vulnerabilities, and attack statistics.
Anti-Virus Research: IBM's site on virus information; one of the best.