Operating Systems Lecture Notes
Lecture 15
Martin C. Rinard
- Programs need to share data on a controlled basis. Examples:
all processes should use same compiler. Two processes may wish
to share part of their data.
- Program needs to treat different pieces of its memory
differently. Examples: process should be able to execute its
code, but not its data. Process should be able to write its
data, but not its code. Process should share part of memory
with other processes, but not all of memory. Some memory may
need to be exported read-only, other memory exported read/write.
- Mechanism to support treating different pieces of
address space separately: segments. Program's memory is
structured as a set of segments. Each segment is a
variable-sized chunk of memory. An address is a segment,offset
pair. Each segment has protection bits that specify which kind
of accesses can be performed. Typically will have something
like read, write and execute bits.
- Where are segments stored in physical memory? One
alternative: each segment is stored contiguously in
physical memory. Each segment has a base and a bound.
So, each process has a segment table giving the base,
bounds and protection bits for each segment.
- How does program generate an address containing
a segment identifier? There are several ways:
- Top bits of address specify segment, low bits specify
- Instruction implicity specifies segment. I.E. code vs.
data vs. stack.
- Current data segment stored in a register.
- Store several segment ids in registers;
instruction specifies which one.
- What does address translation mechanism look like now?
- Find base and bound for segment id.
- Add base to offset.
- Check that offset < bound.
- Check that access permissions match actual access.
- Reference the generated physical address.
How can this be fast enough? Several parts of strategy:
- Segment table cache stored in fast memory. Typically
fully associative.
- Full segment table stored in physical memory. If
the segment id misses in the cache, get from physical memory
and reload the cache.
- OS may need to reference data from any process. How
is this done? One way: OS runs with address translation
turned off. Reserve certain parts of physical memory to
hold OS data structures (buffers, PCB's, etc.).
- How do user and OS communicate? Via shared memory.
But, OS must manually apply translation any time user
program gives it a pointer to data. Example: Exec(file)
system call in nachos.
- What must OS do to manage segments?
- Keep copy of segment table in PCB.
- When create process, allocate space for segments,
fill in base and bounds registers.
- When switch contexts, switch segment information
state in hardware. Examples: may invalidate segment id
- What about memory management? Segments come in
variable sized chunks, so must allocate physical
memory in variable sized chunks. Can use a variety of
heuristics: first fit, best fit, etc. All suffer
from fragmentation (external fragmentation).
- What to do when must allocate a segment and it
doesn't fit given segments that are already resident?
Have several options:
- Can compact segments. Copy segments to contiguous
physical memory locations so that small holes are
collected into one big hole. Notice that this changes the
physical memory locations of segment's data. What must
OS do to implement new translation?
- Can push segments out to disk. But, must provide
a mechanism to detect a reference to the swapped segment.
When the reference happens, will then reload from disk.
- What happens when must enlarge a segment? (This
can happen if user needs to dynamically allocate more
memory). If lucky, there is a hole above the segment
and can just increment bound for that segment. If not,
maybe can move to a larger hole where the new size fits.
If not, may have to compact or swap out segments.
- Protection: How does one process ensure that no
other process can access its memory? Make sure OS never
creates a segment table entry that points to same
physical memory.
- Sharing: How do processes share memory? Typically at segment
level. Segment tables of the two processes point to the
same physical memory.
- What about protection for a shared segment? What if
one process only wants other processes to read segment?
Typically have access bits in segment table and OS can
make segment read only in one process.
- Naming: Processes must name segments created and
manipulated by other processes. Typically have a name
space for segments; processes export segments for other
processes to use under given names. In Multics, had
a tree structured segment name space, and segments
were persistent across process invocations.
- Efficiency: It is efficient. The segment table lookup typically
does not impose too much time overhead, and segment tables tend
to be small with not much memory overhead.
- Granularity: allows processes to specify which memory
they share with other processes. But if whole segment is
either resident or not, limits the flexibility of OS memory
- Advantages of segmentation:
- Can share data in a controlled way with appropriate
protection mechanisms.
- Can move segments independently.
- Can put segments on disk independently.
- Is a nice abstraction for sharing data. In fact,
abstraction is often preserved as a software concept in
systems that use other hardware mechanisms to share data.
- Problems with segmentation:
- Fragmentation and complicated memory management.
- Whole segment must be resident or not. Allocation
granularity may be too large for efficient memory
utilization. Example: have a big segment but only access
a small part of it for a long time. Waste memory
used to hold the rest.
- Potentially bad address space utilization
if have fixed size segment id field in addresses.
If have few segments, waste bits in segment field.
If have small segments, waste bits in offset field.
- Must be sure to make offset field large enough.
See 8086.
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following credit line is included: "Operating Systems
Lecture Notes, Copyright 1997 Martin C. Rinard."
Permission is granted to alter and distribute this material provided
that the following credit line is included:
"Adapted from Operating Systems
Lecture Notes, Copyright 1997 Martin C. Rinard."
Martin Rinard, osnotes@cag.lcs.mit.edu, www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/~rinard