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Network World: Information and links to resources about data communications and networking.
IETF Directory and Database: Maintains archives that relate to the Internet and IETF activities. Includes keyword-indexed library of RFCs and draft documents as well as many other documents related to the Internet and related protocols.
Vendors: Links to thousands of hardware and software vendors who currently have WWW sites, as well as a list of thousands of computer and networking companies in a Phone Directory.
IEEE Communications Society: Good way to keep up on conferences, publications, etc. Has an on-line copy of my article on IPv6, which updates material in the book.
ACM Special Interest Group on Communications (SIGCOMM): Good way to keep up on conferences, publications, etc
International Telecommunications Union: Contains a listing of ITU-T Recommendations, plus information on obtaining ITU-T documents in hard copy or on DVD.
International Organization for Standardization: Contains a listing of ISO Standards, plus information on obtaining ISO documents in hard copy or on CD-ROM.
CommsDesign: Lot of useful articles, tutorials, and product information. A bit hard to navigate, but worthwhile.
TCP/IP Resources List: A useful collection of FAQs, tutorials, guides, Web sites, and books about TCP/IP
Networking Links: Excellent collection of links related to TCP/IP.
The Bongo Project: Running IP over bongo drums. An excellent demonstration of the flexibility of a layered protocol architecture and a source of ideas for projects.
OSI History: A brief history of the origins of the OSI model.
Fourier Series Synthesis: An excellent visualization tool for Fourier series.
Johns Hopkins Signals Demonstrations: Another source of visualization tools.
Math and Physics Applets: Yet another source of visualization tools.
Wireless Developer Network: News, tutorials, and discussions on wireless topics
Siemon Company: Good collection of technical articles on cabling, plus information about cabling standards.
About Antennas: Good source of information and links.
U.S. Frequency Allocation Chart: Chart plus background paper.
DSL Forum: Includes a FAQ and technical information about ADSL and other xDSL technology. Forum specifications.
Network and Services Integration Forum: Discusses current SONET products, technology, and standards.
SONET Home Page: Useful links, tutorials, white pages, FAQs.
Spread Spectrum Scene: Excellent source of information, including technical papers, links, and an online magazine.
Frame Relay Resource Center: Good source of information on frame relay.
Frame Relay Resource: Good source of tutorials, service providers, and other links.
ATM Hot Links: Excellent collection of white papers and links.
MFA Forum: An industry forum to promote MPLS, frame relay, and ATM. Contains documents, vendor information, and links.
Cell Relay Retreat: Contains archives of the cell-relay mailing list, links to numerous ATM-related documents, and links to many ATM-related web sites.
CDMA Development Group: A consortium of wireless companies active in CDMA wireless systems around the world.
Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association: Another industry consortium.
3G Americas: A trade group of Western Hemisphere companies supporting TDMA, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS. Includes industry news, white papers, and other technical information.
IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee: Status and documents on all of the working groups.
Ethernet: Provides general Ethernet information, technical specifications, an Ethernet reading list, and an image of inventor Robert Metcalf's original 1976 Ethernet drawing.
IEEE 802.3 10 Gbps Ethernet Task Force: This group is developing a 10-Gbps Ethernet standard. The Web site includes an email archive and the documentation developed so far.
Fibre Channel Industry Association: An industry consortium.
Storage Network Industry Association: An industry forum of developers, integrators, and IT professionals who evolve and promote storage networking technology and solutions
CERN Fibre Channel homepage: Good source of info on Fibre Channel technology, products, etc.
LAN Interoperability Lab: University of New Hampshire (equipment testing for ATM, FDDI, Fast Ethernet, FDSE, Ethernet, OSPF, Network Management (SNMP), Token Ring, VG-AnyLAN).
Wi-Fi Alliance: An industry group promoting the interoperabiltiy of 802.11 products with each other and with Ethernet.
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group: Contains working group documents plus discussion archives.
Wireless LAN Association: Gives an introduction to the technology, including a discussion of implementation considerations, and case studies from users. Links to related sites.
IPv6: Contains information about IPv6 and related topics.
IPv6 Forum: An industry consortium that promotes IPv6-related products. Includes a number of white papers and articles.
IPv6 Working Group: Chartered by IETF to develop standards related to IPv6. The Web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
RSVP Project: Home page for RSVP development.
IP Performance Metrics Working Group: Chartered by IETF to develop a set of standard metrics that can be applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet data delivery services.The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
Inter-Domain Routing Working Group: Chartered by IETF to revise BGP and related standards. The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
Working Group: Chartered by IETF to develop OSPF and related standards.
The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
Center for Internet Research: One of the most active groups in the areas covered in this chapter. The site contains many papers and useful pointers.
TCP-Friendly Website: Summarizes some of the recent work on adaptive congestion control algorithms for non-TCP based applications, with a specific focus on schemes that share bandwidth fairly with TCP connections.
TCP Maintenance Working Group: Chartered by IETF to make minor revisions to TCP and to update congestion strategies and protocols. The web site includes all relevant RFCs and Internet drafts.
COAST: Comprehensive set of links to sites related to cryptography and network security.
IETF Security Area: Provides up-to-date information on Internet security standardization efforts.
The Cryptography FAQ: Lengthy and worthwhile FAQ covering all aspects of cryptography.
Tom Dunigan's Security Page: An excellent list of pointers to cryptography and network security web sites.
IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy: An excellent list of pointers to cryptography and network security web sites.
SMTP/MIME RFCs: A complete list, maintained by IETF.
Simple Web Site: Maintained by the University of Twente. It is a good source of information on SNMP, including pointers to many public-domain implementations and lists of books and articles.
World Wide Web Consortium: Contains up-to-date information on HTTP, HTML, and URLs.
RFCs: IETF RFC repository. Includes a complete list of all RFCs, constantly updated.
Windows Sockets Development
Information: A guide to users of WinSock, including sample source code
and links to other pages.
UNIX Socket FAQ: Good list of questions and answers.
Beej's Guide to Network Programming: Using Sockets..
Windows Sockets: A Quick and Dirty Primer: By Jim Frost.