Instructor Resources
Cryptography and Network Security, Fourth Edition

Last updated: Thursday, June 3, 2010

Course Support Materials

Solutions manual and project manual: Available at Prentice Hall Website for this book. Go here for Prentice Hall instructor support Websites for my other books.
Project Support: This document describes support available to instructors for assigning projects to students.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown (Prentice Hall, 2008). This textbook places greater emphasis on computer security issues as opposed to cryptography and network security issues. For instructors and students, there is a technical resource and course page to supplement the book
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-Crytpo4e-mmyy. If you spot any errors, please report them to .
Figures: On-line transparency masters of the figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
Tables: On-line transparency masters of all the tables from the book in PDF format.
PowerPoint Slides: The "official" set of slides commissioned for use specifically with this book. These slides were developed by Dr. Lawrie Brown at the Australian Defence Force Academy, University College, UNSW
Lecture Slides: A set of slides by Professor Evangelos Kranakis of Carleton University of Ottawa, Canada
Network Security Slides: .A set of slides that focus mostly on Parts Three and Four by Henric Johnson at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Laboratory Exercises on Encryption: Two lab exercises on public-key encryption and key sharing, prepared by Prof. James Benham of Montclair State U.
Useful Java Programs: A set of Java applets which implement single block en/decryptions of AES, DES & IDEA. Provided by Dr. Lawrie Brown at the Australian Defence Force Academy, University College, UNSW.
A Discussion of Textbook Cost Myths: From the Text and Academic Authors Association.
Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.

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Mailing List

A moderated mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. To subscribe, send a blank email to You will receive a confirmation message. Just reply to this message and your subscription will be complete. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to To post a message, send to You should receive a reply to your subscription request in a few hours, asking for confirmation. If not, try again. The confirmation email asks you to confirm either by replying to the email or by going to a web link. The web link is more reliable. If you reply by email and do not receive a subsequent email confirming your subscription, try again.

Cryptography Courses

Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.

CS642 Introduction to Information Security. U. of Wisconsin. Course notes
CMSC 487/687 Introduction to Network Security. U. of Maryland.
CISH-6961 Cryptography & Network Security. Rensselaer.
CEN448 Security and Internet Protocols. King Saud U. Lecture notes.
ECE 646 Cryptography and Computer Network Security. George Mason U. Includes projects, lecture notes, extensive set of links, and old exams.
ECE 746 Secure Telecommunication Systems. George Mason U. Includes projects, lecture notes, extensive set of links, and old exams.
CS420 Cryptography and Security. Idaho State U., Lecture notes.
ICOM 5018 Network Security and Cryptography U. of Puerto Rico. PPT slides.
CPSC 429 Applied Cryptography U.of Calgary. Includes handouts.
ECE 495F Introduction to Computer Security. Purdue U. Lecture notes and lab exercises.
CS 532 Computer and Network Security. Sabanci U., Turkey. Lecture notes.
Data Security Course. Uppsala U., Sweden. Lots of links
CMPE 553. Eastern Mediterranean U., Cyprus. Lecture notes.
MA479/CSSE490 Cryptography. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Some good supplementary material.
CS558 Network Security. Boston U. Some good links and supplementary material.
CISH-6960H08 Cryptography and Network Security. Rensselaer U. Links and other material.
CSI4138 Design of Secure Computer Systems. U. of Ottowa. Includes course handouts.
Cryptography Independent Study.U. of Puget Sound. Good set of links.
CS494 Computer and Network Security. U. of Tennessee. Good set of links and other resources.
EECS 598 Cryptography and Network Security. U of Michigan. On-line presentation slides..
CMSC-443 Cryptography and Data Security. At U of Maryland.
CS6313 Data Security. Arkansas State U.
Applied Cryptography. Weber State U. Utah