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These security education (SEED) projects were developed at Syracuse University. The collection consists of three types of lab exercises:

red Vulnerability and attack labs. In each lab, you are given a system (or program) with hidden vulnerabilities. Based upon the hints provided, you must find these vulnerabilities, and then devise strategies to exploit them. You also need to demonstrate ways to defend against the attacks or comment on the prevailing mitigating methods and their effectiveness.
yellow Exploration labs. The objective of these labs is to enhance your learning via observation, playing and exploration, so you can understand what security principles feel like in a real system; and to provide you with opportunities to apply security principles in analyzing and evaluating systems.
page22-orangeball Design and implementation labs. These labs give you the opportunity to apply security principles in designing and implementing systems. The labs are intended to be meaningful assignments that do not require a major commitment of time.

The labs are listed below, organized by chapter, together with an estimate of the number of weeks required for the typical student to complete a lab, assuming about 10 hours per week devoted to the task.

Chapter 3 - User Authentication

yellow Pluggable Authentication Module: explore a flexible authentication technique. (1 week)

Chapter 4 - Access Control

yellow Web Access Control: explore the Same-Origin Access Control Policy in web browsers (1 week) —For Ubuntu9.11 VM
For Ubuntu11.04 and Ubuntu12.04 VMs
yellow Linux Capability-Based Access Control: explore the capability-based access control in Linux (1 week)
For Ubuntu9.11 VM
For Ubuntu11.04 and Ubuntu12.04 VMs
page22-orangeball Role-Based Access Control (Minix): design and implement an integrated access control system for Minix that uses both capability-based and role-based access control mechanisms. Students need to modify Minix kernel to implement both capability and RBAC. (4 weeks)
page22-orangeball Capability-Based Access Control (Minix): design and implement a capability-based access control system for Minix (3 weeks)

Chapter 5 - Database Security

red SQL Injection Attack: experience the SQL-Injection attacks (1 week)

Chapter 6 - Malicious Software

red Clickjacking Attack: experience the ClickJacking attacks (1 week)

Chapter 7 - Denial-of-Service Attacks

red TCP/IP Attacks: exploit the vulnerabilities of the TCP/IP protocols (2 weeks)
yellow SYN Cookie: explore the SYN Cookies mechanism in Linux. (1 week)

Chapter 9 - Firewalls

page22-orangeball Firewall (Linux): implement a simple firewall for Linux (2 weeks)
yellow Linux Firewall Exploration: This is the redesign of the Linux Firewall Design/Implementation Lab. The focus is shifted from programming to exploration. Students will explore various firewall-related technologies, such as netfilter, web proxy, URL rewriting, and using SSH tunnels to evade egress filtering (1 week)
page22-orangeball Firewall (Minix): implement a simple firewall for Minix (2 weeks)

Chapter 10 - Buffer Overflow

red Buffer Overflow Vulnerability: exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability using the shell-code approach (1 week)
For Ubuntu9.11 VM
For Ubuntu11.04 VM
For Ubuntu12.04 VM
red Return-to-libc Attack: exploit the buffer-overflow vulnerabilities using the return-to-libc attack (1 week)

Chapter 11 - Software Security

red Format String Vulnerability: exploit the format string vulnerability (1 week)
red Race Condition Vulnerability: exploit the race condition vulnerability (1 week)
For Ubuntu9.11 VM
For Ubuntu11.04 and Ubuntu12.04 VMs
red Set-UID Program Vulnerability: exploit the vulnerabilities of the privileged Set-UID programs (1 week)
For Ubuntu9.11 VM
For Ubuntu11.04 and Ubuntu12.04 VMs
red Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack: exploiting cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities (1 week)
red Cross-Site Scripting Attack: exploiting cross-site scripting vulnerabilities (1 week)

Chapter 12 - OS Security

red Chroot Sandbox Vulnerability: explore how the chroot sandbox can be broken (1 week)
page22-orangeball Encrypted File System (Minix): design and implement an encrypted file system for Minix (4 weeks)
page22-orangeball Set-RandomUID Sandbox (Minix): design and implement a simple sandbox for Minix (1 week)
page22-orangeball Address Space randomization (Minix): randomize stack and heap in Minix to improve security. (2 weeks)

Chapter 20 - Symmetric Encryption and Message Confidentiality

yellow Secret Key Encryption: explore secret-key encryption and its applications using OpenSSL (1 week)

Chapter 21 - Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication

yellow One-Way Hash Function: explore one-way hash function and its applications using OpenSSL (1 week)
yellow Public-Key Infrastructure: explore public-key cryptography, digital signature, certificate, and PKI using OpenSSL (1 week)

Chapter 22 - Internet Security Protocols and Standards

red DNS Pharming Attacks: exploit the vulnerabilities of the DNS protocol to launch Pharming attacks (2 weeks)
yellow Packet Sniffing & Spoofing: explore how sniffing and spoofing tools are implemented (1 week)
page22-orangeball Virtual Private Network (Linux): implement a simple VPN in Linux (a comprehensive project). This lab involves encryption, hash, public key certificates, SSL, and network tunneling techniquess (4 weeks)
page22-orangeball IPSec (Minix): implement a simplified IPSec protocol for Minix (4 weeks)