Student Resources
Computer Organization and Architecture, Seventh Edition

Last updated: Saturday, February 28, 2009

Useful Web Sites

Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-COA7e-mmyy.txt. If you spot any errors, please report them to .
SimpleScalar: The home page includes downloadable software and documentation.
SMPCache: The home page includes downloadable software and documentation.

General Sites

WWW Computer Architecture Home Page: A comprehensive index to information relevant to computer architecture researchers, including architecture groups and projects, technical organizations, literature, employment, and commercial information.
CPU Info Center. Information on specific processors, including technical papers, product information, and latest announcements.
Processor Emporium. Interesting and useful collection of information.
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture. Information on SIGARCH activities and publications, good set of useful links.
IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture. Copies of TCCA newsletter, useful links.

Chapter 2 - Computer Evolution and Performance

Intel Developer's Page. Intel's Web page for developers; provides a starting point for accessing Pentium information. Web site includes the Intel Technology Journal. Also of interest is the Intel Microprocessor Quick Reference Guide, which gives basic data on all Intel microprocessors, going back to the 4004.
Intel Architecture Manuals. Intel's official documentation for its x86 products.
PowerPC Home Page. Freescale Semiconductor, formerly Motorola's semiconductor sector, maintains this home page for the PowerPC.
Power Architecture Technology. IBM's page devoted to Power architecture and technology. Includes tutorials.
PowerPC Home Page. IBM's home page for PowerPC products.
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. SPEC is a highly recognized organization in the computer industry for its development of standardized benchmarks used to measure and compare performance of different computer systems.
Top500 Supercomputer Site. Interesting survey material on supercomputers.
Charles Babbage Institute. Provides links to a number of web sites dealing with the history of computers.
IAS Final Report. This 1954 report describes the implemented IAS machine and lists the final instruction set.

Chapter 3 - Computer Function and Interconnection

PCI Pointers Links to PCI vendors and other sources of information..
PCI Special Interest Group Information about PCI specifications and products.

Chapter 5 - Internal Memory

Tom's Hardware Guide Covers RAM and numerous other topics.
Rambus Good source of information on RDRAM and DDR DRAM.

Chapter 6 - External Memory

Optical Storage Technology Association Good source of information about optical storage technology and vendors, plus extensive list of relevant links.
LTO Program: Linear Tape Open has become the dominant magnetic tape storage technology. This site provides information about LTO technology and licensed vendors.

Chapter 7 - Input/Output

T10 Home Page. T10 is a Technical Committee of the National Committee on Information Technology Standards and is responsible for lower-level interfaces. Its principal work is the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). There are also links to related Web sites.
Infiniband Trade Association. Includes technical information and vendor pointers.
1394 Trade Association. Includes technical information and vendor pointers on firewire.

Chapter 8 - Operating Systems

ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems. Information on SIGOPS publications and conferences.
IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Applications. Includes an online newsletter and links to other sites.
The Operating System Resource Center A useful collection of documents and papers on a wide range of OS topics.
Hash Tables This document provides background information on hash functions and hash tables.

Chapter 9 - Computer Arithmetic

IEEE 754 Maintained by the IEEE 754 group. Includes IEEE 754 documents, related publications and papers, and a useful set of links related to computer arithmetic.
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic An edited reprint of the Computing Surveys paper.
Elementary Computer Mathematics A basic survey. Includes Java-generated problems with solutions.

Chapter 10 - Instruction Sets

Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly A good, concise overview of x86 assembler language.
The Art of Assembly Language Programming. A 1500-page on-line mega-book on the subject. Should be enough for any student of the subject.

Chapter 14 - Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors

Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism. A web-first, paper-based journal of refereed papers.

Chapter 15 - IA-64

IA-64 Intel's site for the latest info on its IA-64-based processors.
HP Itanium Site. Good source of information.
IMPACT. This is a site at the University of Illinois, where much of the research on predicated execution has been done. A number of papers on the subject are available.

Chapter 18 - Parallel Processing

IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing An international forum to promote cluster computing research and education.
Multicore Association. Vendor organization promoting the development of and use of multicore technology.

Appendix B - Digital Logic

Digital Logic Home Page Diagrams of circuits.