Instructor Resources
Computer Organization and Architecture, Seventh Edition

Last updated: Saturday, February 28, 2009

Course Support Materials

Solutions manual and project manual: Available at Prentice Hall Website for this book. Go here for Prentice Hall instructor support Websites for my other books.
Project Support: This document describes support available to instructors for assigning projects to students.
Computer Science Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Figures: On-line copies of figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
Tables: On-line copies of tables from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
PowerPoint Slides: The "official" set of slides commissioned for use specifically with this book. Developed by Adrian J Pullin of Liverpool Hope University College
Course Notes: A detailed set of notes in PDF format suitable for student handout or for use as viewgraphs. These notes were developed by Prof. N. J. Davis of Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-COA7e-mmyy.txt. If you spot any errors, please report them to .
SimpleScalar: The home page includes downloadable software and documentation.
SMPCache: The home page includes downloadable software and documentation.
A Discussion of Textbook Cost Myths: From the Text and Academic Authors Association.

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Mailing List

A moderated mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. To subscribe, send a blank email to You will receive a confirmation message. Just reply to this message and your subscription will be complete. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to . To post a message, send to Note: You should receive a reply to your subscription request in a few hours, asking for confirmation. If not, try again. The confirmation email asks you to confirm either by replying to the email or by going to a web link. The web link is more reliable. If you reply by email and do not receive a subsequent email confirming your subscription, try again.

COA Courses

Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.
CST605 Computer Architecture and Performance. U. of Westminster, UK. Includes laboratory assignments and slides.
CSCI 4717 Computer Architecture. East Tennessee State U. Includes lab projects, good set of PPT slides, other material.
CSC 391 Computer Architecture. Catholic U. of America. Includes lecture notes.
Computer Organization and Architecture. U. Pompeu Fabra, Spain..
SYSC 2001 Foundations of Computer Systems. Carleton U. Includes lecture notes, useful links.
COMPE 271 Computer Organization. San Diego State U. Includes lecture notes.
CMPT 385 Computer System Organization. Montclair State U..
CSC 317 Computer Organization and Architecture. South Dakota State U. Includes lecture notes.
CS 330 Computer Architecture. Wilkes U. Includes lab exercises.
ECE 3173 Hardware/Software Systems Integration. Michigan Tech. Useful links.
IS311. California State U., Northridge. Includes a number of handouts.
CS2370 Computer Organization and Assembly Language. McMurry University, Abilene TX. Includes links and other useful information.
TDTS51 Advanced Computer Architecture. Linköpings University in Sweden. Includes very good set of lecture notes..
CS312 Computer Architecture and Organization. At Central Washington University. Includes some interesting link..